The Grand Tetons
The Boy Scout Rock

This shot is looking back, up stream on the rock that was dubbed the "Boy Scout Rock" by locals,
due to the many accidents the scouts have incurred.  There's a Boy Scout Camp nearby and while
testing for their merit badge in canoeing, many unsuspecting scouts have crashed their canoes on this
rock while navigating this portion of the Snake River.  The water flows over the rock and appears calm
then turns white on the other side.   Very deceiving to the eye.  We would not have known it was there
if our rafting guide had not pointed it out to us.  Thank God he knew where it was and how to avoid it.

Our youngest son is in a local troop in our area and is going for his merit badge in canoeing this summer.
However, his camp isn't in The Grand Teton National Park.  Wow, what an awesome opportunity those
scouts have.  Somehow, "The Wild" in Wyoming seems far more treacherous than where we are. 

As Dorothy would say, "Lions and tigers and bears, Oh My....."

Well, really there's bison, and moose, and bear, that's enough.  Of course, when I think about it, our
scouts have the horrendous rattlesnake to deal with, as well as the bear and mountain lion.  Maybe
"The Wild" is just "The Wild" where ever you choose to camp.